Hip-Hop: Childish Gambino. It would take me 5 years to write lyrics this referentially dense.
Rock: The Raconteurs. I am astounded that music this good exists in modern tymes.
Pop Punk: Four Year Strong. New album out is not as mean as their
previous releases, but strong nonetheless. More melodic. The production
is bombastic and awesome as always. I would buy these albums for the
outrageous production value, even if I hated the music.
Soul: Mayer Hawthorne. You can't f*ck with Mayer Hawthorne. He's
cooler than cool, and he's bringing it back. And yes, that first video
is as badass as it looks. Hot chick gunfight.
You know you like my style
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
mixtape 2011
I made a mixtape with my favorite songs of 2011.
It's 40 songs, about 3 hours.
It is available here.
Unzip the folder, then use the AAA.m3u playlist file included in the folder to load the songs into your music player. The playlist file is important because it will put the songs in order, and as you know, song order is important on a mixtape.
Not all songs are from 2011 - they are just the songs of my 2011.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
old fashion ladies
This is a band that I found out about through a guitar-nerd forum (shout out to the SDUGF). They are a French rock band caught me way off guard with how awesome they are.
Sounds like Foo Fighters, Rage Against The Machine, Guns & Roses, Muse, Porcupine Tree, Radiohead, Our Lady Peace.
Kind of puzzling to nail down a style, because each song seems like it's by a different band. My guess is that the players in this band are all highly musical in their own right.
Example? Here's their guitar player doing a particularly badass Britney Spears "Toxic" cover.
Anyways, their EP came out on Tuesday, and it kicks ass. you can stream it in full here.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
foo fighters - wasting light
Recorded entirely on analog tape in Dave Grohl's garage or something, this album sounds like what made me like the Foo Fighters so much when I was in the 5th grade. Not that I had great taste in music back then, but hey, maybe I did.
When I was 10, I was not influenced by the ridiculousness of genre and what the bloggers are blogging about and who is on what label.
I didn't do any thinking about music - I just heard stuff and thought either "THAT WAS BAD-ASSED!" or "NOT GNARLY." Those were the only two types of music.
Well the Foo Fighters have really BRUNG THE THUNDAH with this one. In so many ways.
How about less words and more rocking? Listen to this.
Monday, April 11, 2011
what I've been listening to recently
Here are some of my recent music purchases. I am putting them out there this way (ugly formatting, no tactful descriptions) because I don't have much time to write like I used to. I still like sharing music, though, even if I can't pack my descriptions and reviews with metaphors and lulz. I didn't take the time to embed the YouTube videos(I barely took the time to write this disclaimer), but don't be a lazy ass - just scroll-wheel-click them. Especially Bernhoft.
Jarle Bernhoft's "1: Man, 2:Band" 2 disc set (one solo, one with a band)
He is a Norwegian soul singer, who has an amazing voice. Actually amazing. He is a badass acoustic guitar player and loop artist as well - he does the whole one-man-band thing really well, without the gimmicky feel of some other loop-heavy solo acts.
Watch this video first: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=GjEsAEsYCw4
Watch this video second: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=GAnC7RTAMok
Sam & Dave's "The Best of Sam & Dave"
Timeless classic stuff. Makes me feel good. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=PeL8EPBZN6M
Peter Frampton's "Frampton Comes Alive"
Turns out that his stuff is awesome, beyond the talkbox lesson that is "Do You Feel Like I Do." http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=aKmVFB3bcZM
New soul --- motown vibe, with more modern subject matter. Cool New York swagger. I hate that word, but I'm trying to take its power away by using it properly. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=bb6cBKE3WzQ
Further Seems Forever's "Hope This Finds You Well"
Remember the time that Dashboard Confessional frontman Chris Carabba had a badass alt-rock band with one of the best drummers ever? Then he left and the new singer was even better than he was? This band is long defunct, but for some reason, I wanted to listen to them recently so I grabbed their greatest hits, which, thankfully, exists. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=jOHi4x1po0s
Warren Zevon's "The Best of Warren Zevon"
Jimmy Buffett thought Warren Zevon was a badass. Jimmy Buffett's always right. Zevon wrote "Werewolves of London" but has a lot of other great songs. Cynicism and macabre all the way, but dressed up in breezy, plucky summer strummers. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=opXCOUgjOOY
Foo Fighters's "Foo Fighters"
The original debut album - recorded entirely by Dave Grohl in his garage almost 20 years ago. So pumped for their new album - it sounds like this old album. This is very 5th grade nostalgic for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=gfXIR9lOlXQ
Bright Eyes's "People's Key"
This band just keeps getting better and better. That never happens. You either love or hate 'em. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=yLAMg6o5w2s
Woo, that felt good to get out. Sorry I don't write (very frequently) any more.
Jarle Bernhoft's "1: Man, 2:Band" 2 disc set (one solo, one with a band)
He is a Norwegian soul singer, who has an amazing voice. Actually amazing. He is a badass acoustic guitar player and loop artist as well - he does the whole one-man-band thing really well, without the gimmicky feel of some other loop-heavy solo acts.
Watch this video first: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Watch this video second: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Sam & Dave's "The Best of Sam & Dave"
Timeless classic stuff. Makes me feel good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Peter Frampton's "Frampton Comes Alive"
Turns out that his stuff is awesome, beyond the talkbox lesson that is "Do You Feel Like I Do." http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Fitz & The Tantrums's "Pickin Up The Pieces"
New soul --- motown vibe, with more modern subject matter. Cool New York swagger. I hate that word, but I'm trying to take its power away by using it properly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Further Seems Forever's "Hope This Finds You Well"
Remember the time that Dashboard Confessional frontman Chris Carabba had a badass alt-rock band with one of the best drummers ever? Then he left and the new singer was even better than he was? This band is long defunct, but for some reason, I wanted to listen to them recently so I grabbed their greatest hits, which, thankfully, exists. http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Warren Zevon's "The Best of Warren Zevon"
Jimmy Buffett thought Warren Zevon was a badass. Jimmy Buffett's always right. Zevon wrote "Werewolves of London" but has a lot of other great songs. Cynicism and macabre all the way, but dressed up in breezy, plucky summer strummers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Foo Fighters's "Foo Fighters"
The original debut album - recorded entirely by Dave Grohl in his garage almost 20 years ago. So pumped for their new album - it sounds like this old album. This is very 5th grade nostalgic for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Bright Eyes's "People's Key"
This band just keeps getting better and better. That never happens. You either love or hate 'em. http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Woo, that felt good to get out. Sorry I don't write (very frequently) any more.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
after leaving facebook, now I know what it's good for
In the earley tymes, friends would catch up on a boat, over a beer and some fishing
After not using facebook for about 3 months, I now understand what things it is good for.
Business / blog / music promotion - get your friends to become a fan, then they get updated every time you post a new blog post or release a new product or post a new song. I tried to promote my blogs and guitar building venture with RSS (subscribe to my blog and stay updated!) and Twitter, but it is overwhelmingly apparent that only nerds use RSS (approx. 3 of my friends, all of whom are much smarter than all of my other friends) and many less people use Twitter than facebook (approx. 5 of my friends vs. ALL OF THEM). Facebook is clearly the best way to fly as far as commercial or non-commercial promotion.
Picture sharing - again, I use Picasa, lots of people use Flickr, some newbs use Photobucket, but none of these services are as good at photo sharing as facebook. Why? For one, everyone's on facebook, so whoever you're friends with on facebook is your pool and/or audience. For another, the "Follow Hunter's Picasa" or "Subscribe to Hunter's PhotoStream" (paraphrased) functions of the other big photo sites are all half baked compared to facebook's super integrated approach. I miss out on seeing my friends' cool pictures because I am not on facebook.
This last one kind of goes without saying, but staying up to date with what's going on with your friends / keeping your friends up to date with what's going on with you. I realized this when I moved recently. I moved from Northern VA to Central VA (where I was born and raised) and so I have a lot of friends in the area. I have slowly, little by little, been running into friends at the grocery store and such, and when they see me, they all look as though they've seen a ghost. Why? Because they had no idea I was back in Central VA. My thought, when leaving facebook was "If you don't know where I live or where I went to school, then hey, that's fine, because everyone who's actually really my friend knows where I live and where I went to school and other trivia. Well, I was wrong about that. My real friends don't know where I live.
I guess in the olden tymes, you would notify all your friends that you were moving, by letter or phone call or through the physical social network (parties, softball games, church). But these days, my friends aren't going to parties and church to find out what's going on with whom --- they go to facebook for that kind of info. The very human, social "see and be seen" compulsion is dying because you don't have to "be there" to catch all the juicy gossip and stay up on your friends anymore. It was shocking to me that one of my best friends of all time had no idea I was living 2 miles away from him. But it's my fault - I didn't call him or send him a letter. Any way you slice it, facebook has become the way the world stays in touch. I don't particularly like it, because I still like ye olde ways of going to church and going fishing with your buddies and going out to bars you know your friends will be at to stay in touch with each other. But nobody else is doing it that way, so I find myself fishing alone, sitting with just my family at church, and never running into anyone I know at the bar. That church/party/bar way of staying in touch only works if everyone is doing it. Well, they aren’t and so I’m not in touch with anyone.
I will not wax philosophical / ol' prospector with the standard "when I was your age, men kept in touch by shaking hands at the hunt club," because I believe that, in general, change over time is good. But I also believe in understanding the difference between change and progress. I don't think that facebook is progress, societally. Really, all I can do to fly that flag is to simply be me - go fishing with the guys, invite my buddies over to play music, send Christmas cards, go to church. I know that my idea of socialization is not consistent with the modern model, and I do not resent the change in the model. It's like when Jeep got rid of the Cherokee in favor of the Liberty. Whether or not the Cherokee was a better truck is subjective, but what is a fact, is that I like the Cherokee better, so that's what I'll stick with.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Fitz & The Tantrums
Just bought an album that I only found out about because of AmazonMP3's Twitter feed - it was their daily $3.99 daily deal, and I liked the title, so I checked it out.
Fitz & The Tantrums - Pickin' Up The Pieces
Holy shit, man - blue eyed soul / throwback / Motown city.
To preview it is to buy it, if you are the kind of person who loves GOOD TIMES music. I am super excited to A) find out about a band I hadn't heard of before, and B) listen to a blue eyed soul album with perfect drum tone and a badass horn section.
Perfect stuff for the spring time, grilling, driving in the rain, partying, cooking.
Fitz & The Tantrums - Pickin' Up The Pieces
Holy shit, man - blue eyed soul / throwback / Motown city.
To preview it is to buy it, if you are the kind of person who loves GOOD TIMES music. I am super excited to A) find out about a band I hadn't heard of before, and B) listen to a blue eyed soul album with perfect drum tone and a badass horn section.
Perfect stuff for the spring time, grilling, driving in the rain, partying, cooking.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Patrick Stump (who?)
This song (hit the link) sounds just like what MJ would release if he were still making music.
It also has a hyper modern edge, which contrasts much less with the throwback MJ vibe than I could have ever expected.
It also has a dose of that wall of sound / earworm Fall Out Boy composition that made him famous. Or maybe not famous, because nobody seems to know who I'm talking about when I mention Patrick Stump.
After the first listen, I didn't know if I liked it or not, but I knew I wanted to listen to it again. After the second listen, I still didn't know if I liked it, and I wanted to listen to it again.
After I had listened to it three times, I realized that I had just listened to it three times.
Stump's EP Truant Wave is out on Tuesday February 22, and his full length debut Soul Punk is coming this summer.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Bright Eyes - The People's Key
New Bright Eyes out yesterday --- it's good. And it's only $3.99 at Amazon right now. Image is a link.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
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