Wednesday, November 25, 2009

TLA Has a New Look

After literally minutes of ripping off editing features I wanted into this blog's template, we have a new look.

You'll notice that there are a lot of new bullshit features on the right hand side.

First up is a search box. This thing only searches TLA, so when you search "dan mangan" it's only going to show you my post about the guy, and best of all, it stays here on TLA so you don't get booted off into the cold, dark internet like with most search bars.

Still going strong is the album release calendar. Email me if you know about new stuff coming up that a) I'd like and b) I don't have on there. There's a few releases lingering in the distance, but none that I'd buy, so they don't make the list.

Next up is a view of stuff that I've shared recently on Google Reader. I get a kick out of stuff that I see floating around the web, so why not drop it in here, even if it's not relevant to music? It'll give you a better idea of what I like and who I am, for enhanced context. If you don't use Google Reader, you are a caveman. If you don't know about Google Reader, find out, and thank me later.

I put a facebook "badge" up so you can stalk me and look at all my pictures of me putting new pickups in guitars, and pictures of the thermometer in my car to show everyone how cold or hot it is here.

I wasn't kidding.

 I also added buttons so you can share TLA on Facebook or Twitter with one click.Whenever I read a good blog post that I think is cool or that I get a kick out of, I post it on Facebook and/or Twitter so my friends can read it too. If you do that, now you can do it with one click.

Anyways, that's the new setup, just a heads up that this is still the right site.


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